Conference 2023
Tūrangawaewae - A place to stand

Keynote Speaker: Melanie Riwai-Couch

Niho Taniwha: The Next Level

Niho Taniwha is both a pedagogical model and a framework that enables educators to optimise the impact of their teaching for ākonga Māori, helping those (and all) ākonga to thrive and reach their potential as learners. The keynote is richly culturally-imbued and based on a growing body of practice-based evidence that indicates that a school/centre/classroom culture is significantly enhanced by the development of kaiako cultural competency, strength-based approaches, and a curriculum that is contextualised, has relevance and is designed to provide scaffolding for the learner, the teacher, and the wider community. You will be introduced to the basic principles of Niho Taniwha and show what they look like in practice. Using stories, evidence and real life experiences of ākonga. Melanie will help participants to develop a greater understanding and empathy for the realities of ākonga Māori and their whānau including some of the barriers to success and ways that these can be overcome. Some of the content may be challenging for participants. Good. Greater empathy is needed in order to critically reflect on our practice and make the changes necessary to transform the education sector to one that is high performing for all learners.  

Staff and guests gather in the cafe of ASHS

Lead Principal Claire Amos

Matua Rod Caudwell

Whaea Trish Ripi and Stephen Grady (Principal of Greenhithe School) `

Albany Senior High Courtyard

Melanie presents her keynote speech

Kapa Haka 

Albany Senior High student, Ciaran,  presents student voice